Total Communication Environment at Cygnet Manor

It is vitally important that we understand how to best communicate with all of the people in our care and do so in a way appropriate to each individual. The team and men at Cygnet Manor have been busy ensuring their Total Communication Environment is accessible to all service users.

As well as pictorial directional signage and easy read information displayed in communal areas, The Manor has introduced ‘talking posters’. Those that find written and visual information hard to follow can now press a button to hear the information in verbal format.

“That’s so much easier than reading.”Service user, Cygnet Manor

In line with the Accessible Information Standard, The Manor are ensuring that individuals in their care have access to information that they can understand.

“That’s good, because I can press it more than once and hear it again. That way I won’t miss any information.”Service user, Cygnet Manor

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