Safewards Celebration Day

We are delighted to announce that following a successful two phase pilot scheme no fewer than fourteen wards across Cygnet have achieved Safewards status.

Safewards is an evidence based clinical model that introduces a number of interventions that increase safety and reduce coercion, improves relationships between staff and people using our services, resulting in fewer assaults and making wards more peaceful places.

The Safewards implementation pilot started in July 2016. An initial Safewards masterclass was facilitated for seven wards, selected to implement Safewards. A second Safewards masterclass took place in June 2017. These events were attended by a minimum of two leads per ward.

“Safewards takes effort, commitment and attention to detail. It has to be adapted to fit the ward environment. The second wave of Safewards at Cygnet involved specialist wards with specific challenges. The ward leads have done an amazing job and it is right to thank them and learn from their experience. Their presentations were inspirational. They deserve huge credit for their work and what they have achieved”.Geoff Brennan, Executive Director, Starwards

All wards received support days and these proved important in both reviewing each wards progress and addressing specific issues for the wards. Most support days included input by Experts by Experience. The involvement of the Experts by Experience was central to the support and also ensured that the perspective of people using our services was considered. To celebrate the success of the second phase of the Safewards implementation a celebration event was held for the Safewards leads of the phase 2 wards at Millbank, London.

“Today, as we listened and learned together, I witnessed some of the most dedicated caring staff being proud to share with us the work they have been doing together with the people in their care. As I listened to them share the Safewards interventions they have been starting to implement, and adapt to each ward area, being creative and supporting people, I felt so reassured that together, we are changing the way we care and see people. It was so beautiful to hear the way they were using, soft and kind words. It was so good to know they were all taking the time, finding the time, to truly make a difference.”Iris Benson, Expert by Experience

The aim of the day was to allow the wards to showcase their work, to consider the challenges to implementation and how these were overcome, and to identify next steps and support structures to maintain the excellent work completed.

Each of the wards delivered excellent presentations and received an award to celebrate their successes and to recognise excellence when implementing Safewards. The seven wards were:

  • Austen Ward – Cygnet Hospital Wyke
  • Alvaston Ward – Cygnet Hospital Derby
  • The Springs – Cygnet Hospital Harrow
  • Sunrise Ward – Cygnet Hospital Ealing
  • Bowling Ward – Cygnet Hospital Bierley
  • Peak View – Cygnet Hospital Sheffield
  • Spencer Ward – Cygnet Hospital Sheffield

The day was supported by Geoff Brennan, Executive Director Bright/Starwards, Nick Horne and Rosalyn Mloyi, Regional Nurse Directors, Dwayne Smith and Iris Benson, Experts by Experience. Geoff and Iris delivered an excellent presentation on Safewards from a service user experience perspective from the point of admission on an inpatient ward. Iris also made an excellent celebration cake in recognition of a great event.

“Having attended the Safewards presentation and awards at Cygnet on the celebration day I could clearly see just how passionate staff were about the work they do and the benefits of adopting Safewards into their services. I learnt so much that day and feel Safewards training should definitely be included in inductions for all new and existing employees. I’d like thank all those involved for doing such fantastic work towards continually improving services for people like me and many others.”Dwayne Smith, Expert by Experience

The Safewards team have collated feedback from the leads attending the day and quotes included “ I’m leaving today full of hope and pride in what people around the country are doing to make our wards better places for people to be!” and “ I truly appreciate being in this meeting. I learned so much from everyone! Thank you and looking forward to more meetings like this.”

“As Director of Nursing I am really pleased to support the Safewards project, it delivers not just for our patients and service users but also for our staff. The wards that have completed safewards have achieved a huge amount and really taken the project and embraced it. Thank you to all our staff who have achieved so much and the experts by experience that have worked with us. Now for full roll out across the organisation”. David Wilmott, Director of Nursing, Cygnet Health Care

Cygnet will be continuing to implement Safewards in 2019 with regional training events across the organisation.

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