Cygnet Hospital Bierley introduce ‘Pop Up Shops’ for service users

Following on from a recent six month project which has seen service users enjoy work experience at the local Asda supermarket, Cygnet Hospital Bierley have initiated a second project with the store. Led by Therapy Manager, Mannie Dhanjal, agreement was made to have what is hoped to be the first of many ‘Pop Up Shops’. The concept is to bring the store to the hospital thus allowing service users who lack community leave to be able to do their own shopping.
Occupational Therapist, Rebecca Gould, helping staff from George prepare the first 'Pop Up Shop'
Occupational Therapist, Rebecca Gould, helping staff from George prepare the first ‘Pop Up Shop’

For the first ‘Pop Up Shop’ staff from Asda’s clothing department, George, brought a range of sportswear and footwear to the hospital including; tracksuits, trainers, T-shirts and even some swimming costumes. Each ward had a slot in which to visit the shop and choose items, with staff offering support to arrange payments and collect items. The sports theme of the first ‘Pop Up Shop’ was to allow all service users the opportunity to equip themselves for Sports Relief activities the following day.

“I am really pleased at the outcome of this ground breaking arrangement – it has been great to work with such a supportive local employer, and to tackle some of the stigma surrounding mental health. I know that George staff were really keen to come and be part of this and are very motivated to continue to work with us in partnership on future projects.”Mannie Dhanjal, Therapy Manager

Future plans include a further ‘Pop Up Shop’ for basics such as underwear and daywear, perhaps followed by an exotic foods event.

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