Cygnet Sherwood Lodge’s Allotment Project

Our service users at Cygnet Sherwood Lodge, a learning disability hospital, have undertaken an allotment project in Langwith.

Taking part in activities like these can have a positive effect on the people in our care by promoting confidence, independence and healthy eating. In their own words they explain about their project:

“When we took over the plot it was a mess and we had a lot of work to do to make it so we could grow our own vegetables.”

“Over the past months we have started building benches and planters, we are currently going through our first harvest which has been really good and we are all surprised with what we have grown.”

“All the vegetables we have grown we have sold to the staff and the money will go back into the project.”

“We love visiting the allotment, we would also like to thank the company for getting the plot for us and to the therapy team for putting it on the activity programme.”

Our staff also said the following:

“The service users have found that going to the allotment has been therapeutic and have also found that it is a good way to deal with some stresses.”

“When we started this project the service users involved were really excited about the work we needed to do. We cleared all the rubbish from the plot, made good of the sheds and moved them to a better location, we got the ground ready for planting and the greenhouses tidy ready for the sowing stage and then the plants ready to put in the ground.” 

The service user’s hard work and dedication has really paid off. Using what they have grown, they have made homemade damson jam and green tomato chilli chutney, which are now being sold at reception. The plan is to purchase seeds, tools and wood for their workshop.

Well done to the staff and service users at Cygnet Sherwood Lodge.

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