Cygnet Heathers rated Outstanding in Headway Approved Provider Accreditation review

Members of the Cygnet Heathers team

Cygnet Heathers, our neuropsychiatric care and treatment service in West Bromwich for men affected by acquired brain injuries and neurodegenerative conditions has been rated Outstanding by Headway, the Brain Injury Association, following a review of their approved provider accreditation.

Headway’s approved provider scheme utilises standards developed to reflect the specific needs of people with an acquired brain injury (ABI). These standards are used to evaluate a range of facilities including hospitals and neuro-rehabilitation units, residential and nursing homes and respite facilities.

The process includes a robust on-site assessment, within an inspection system that also involves unannounced interim reviews. The Headway assessors held an unannounced interim review online with the Cygnet Heathers team on 27th January 2021.

The service was evaluated across six domains; Culture, Systems & Processes, Workforce Development, Service Delivery, Governance Leadership and Management & Quality, and finally, Environment. The Headway assessment team rated Cygnet Heathers as ‘Outstanding’ in five domains and ‘Good’ in Service Delivery resulting in the initial ‘Good’ rating gained last year being upgraded to overall ‘Outstanding’.

“It’s great that we have achieved ‘Outstanding’ from Headway, for the team it’s all about the service user experience and how we can ensure we personalise the support we give. We still have more to do and continue to work with the individuals in our care to identify further improvements.”Stephen Smith, Hospital Manager

Cygnet Heathers was the first of the Cygnet neuropsychiatric services to be assessed through the Headway Approved Provider programme this was followed by Meadows Mews in December 2020. Cygnet’s other neuropsychiatric services will also be assessed over the coming months.

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