Information for Visitors

Cygnet Hospital Taunton

Cygnet Hospital Taunton does not have restricted visiting hours: guests are welcome to visit their loved ones any time. Whilst children are not allowed on the wards, we offer a designated visitors room which can be booked in advance for private use.

What to expect on arrival

When you arrive at the hospital, you will be asked to sign in at reception. Our front desk is manned Monday to Friday, 9-5. Outside these hours, there is a telephone for visitors to arrange for someone to come and pick them up.

Upon arrival, a nurse will collect you from reception and take you to your meeting or visit.

There is a designated car park with free parking on-site.

Places to stay

Cygnet Hospital Taunton has preferential rates for accommodation at two local pubs, both within two miles of the hospital. Guests will need to mention Cygnet Hospital Taunton, and they will be offered bed and breakfast for £65.

The Farmers Arms

Higher West Hatch




Tel: 01823 480 980

The Greyhound Inn

Staple Fitzpaine




Tel: 01823 480 227

Latest from Cygnet Hospital Taunton


Cygnet Hospital Taunton’s Christmas Fayre

Last Friday Cygnet Hospital Taunton held a Christmas Fayre which was organized by the occupational therapy team. Various stalls were displayed at the fayre with amazing products made by the service users at the hospital.

Experts by Experience

Experts by Experience: How Cygnet is Leading the Way

Our Experts by Experience help ensure the opinions of service users are heard and considered across the organisation and that feedback is actioned upon to improve our services. In the summer, the NHS Confederation visited two of our services – Cygnet Alders Clinic and Cygnet Hospital Taunton, to meet two former service users who have gone on to become Experts by Experience.

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